For those who might not know, New Moon is the second installment of the acclaimed teen books and movie Twilight Saga. This time we will see Bella, the main character, fight her desires to go after Edward (vampire) and Jacob (werewolf). Although the original plot might sound complicated and full of drama, this cool porn parody is not. Instead of getting the usual teen drama, we will be able to get the adult fun, which happens to be the best part of anything and everything. In this cool porn parody we will be able to enjoy Bella having fun with her two men the way everyone has always wished to watch. You will be able to enjoy the super sexiness of the porn video and will never want to watch the original before watching this one again. People get impressed with the quality of the production and indeed fall in love with This Isn’t The New Moon.
Devil's Film
The Twilight Saga: New Moon (2009)
January 2010
Sammy Slater
Jenna Haze, Amy Brooke, Ami Emerson, Madison James, Ruby Knox, Seth Gamble, Alex Gonz, Chris Johnson, Jay Lassiter