Join Vivid and Watch "The Dark Knight XXX" in HD and all the 4.550+ Vivid Hardcore Videos
Buy DVDIf you are looking for a high quality porn parody then this is indeed a true blockbuster for you and all of your friends. The Dark Knight is much better than most movies in Hollywood, now let’s add some sexiness and some porn stars to make it even better. Brought to you by worldwide famous porn producer Vivid Entertainment, the Dark Knight XXX is indeed a masterpiece when it comes to porn and parodies. This movie has a lot of action, sexiness and fun. If you are indeed looking for a high quality porn parody to enjoy then this is indeed a wonderful option for you to enjoy. The quality is great and the video was also rated as one of the best parodies of famous movies of all time. You will be able to see Batman and his crew in a whole new way! This is truly going to be worth your time.
The Dark Knight by Christopher Nolan
24 July 2012
Axel Braun
Andy San Dimas, Penny Pax, Dani Jensen, Christy Mack, Giovanni Francesco, Tom Byron, Derrick Pierce, Aiden Ashley, Brendon Miller, Clarke Kent, Brian Street Team