Join Hustler and watch "This Ain't Terminator XXX" in High Definition and all the 9.500+ Hustler Hardcore Videos
Buy Blu-Ray / DVDWho does not know Terminator? This is indeed one of the most famous movies of all time. Staring super icons such as Arnold Schwarzenegger this movie was able to make millions and is still a true hit whenever it is on TV. We definitely already know the original story: tough guy, guns, robots and all that crazy violence that sexy and tough guys are always involved on. Well, this time we will be able to enjoy everything with some cool extras: sexiness, eroticism, sex and much more. Thinking of the whole success that this was, Hustler indeed chose the right movie to make a new parody. The parody version is cool, enticing, fun and has indeed everything that was missing from the original when it came to sexiness. Watch everything you wish you could see Schwarzenegger doing in a single movie that is able to surpass the original when it comes to fun.
Hustler Video
Terminator (1984) by James Cameron
5 February 2013
Axel Braun
Julia Ann, Dahlia Sky, Juelz Ventura, Leya Falcon, Melina Mason, Sabrina Maree, Billy Glide, Alex Gonz, Dick Delaware, Brendon Miller