Join Hustler and watch "This Ain't Avatar XXX #2: Escape from Pandwhora" in HD and all the 300+ Hustler Parodies
Buy Blu-RayAvatar is indeed one of the most famous and profitable movies ever, thanks to its awesome plot and great special effects. It was a wonderful option for those who loved sci-fi and action at the same time. Have you ever imagined a super cool twist to the story though? Well, Hustler Video and its production did. This Ain’t Avatar XXX brought to you by worldwide famous porn producer Hustler was a true success, now This Ain’t Avatar XXX #2: Escape from Pandora came to truly make people fall in love with these parodies. What was good was made even better and Hustler once again found a way to be even nicer than what it already is. Awesome effects, even hotter scenes and everything that we would like to enjoy in a single video. If you are ready for action, sexiness and everything you could always wish when it comes to porn at your disposal.
Avatar (Movie)
August 28, 2012
Axel Braun
Yurizan Beltran, Rachel Roxxx, Mia Lelani, Adriana Sephora, Victoria Lawson, Helly Mae Hellfire, Billy Glide, Chris Johnson, Brad Tyler