Join Hustler and watch "This Ain't Lady Gaga Xxx" in HD and all the 300+ Exclusive Hustler Parodies
Buy blu-Ray / DVDWho does not know super crazy lady Gaga who thinks she is the craziest girl of the planet? She is talented, beautiful, sexy and has everything to be our true next diva for a long time still. Although this is a very famous lady all over the world, we have always dreamed of seeing her crazy in bed as well. We no longer need to worry about that, after all thanks to Hustler now we are able to enjoy This Ain’t Lady Gaga XXX, which is a video parody that shows what Lady Gaga is behind the cameras, or at least what we want her to be like while she is not singing. You will be able to notice that the ladies are sexy and that everyone you will watch is of the highest quality and was done by real pros in the field. Get ready and have even more fun!
Lady Gaga Celebrity (March 28, 1986)
July 2011
Axel Braun