Join Hustler and watch "Hustler's Untrue Hollywood Stories: Lindsay Lohan" in HD and all the 9.500+ Exclusive Hustler Videos
Buy DVDHave you ever imagined being able to enjoy beautiful and crazy Lindsey Lohan having sex with crazy dudes? Well, although we know she does that in the real world it does not hurt to imagine and fantasize about it right? Well, if you also agree that she is a hottie and that it would be awesome to enjoy her on cam having sex and being fucked hardcore then this is an excellent option for you. Hustler’s Untrue Hollywood Stories: Lindsay Lohan shows everything every person wishes to see when it comes to Lindsey Lohan having sex. The videos are very nice and the lady featured truly looks like Lohan. If you would like to have fun then this is a very good option for you, after all the movie is super sexy and truly impresses even the most exigent porn lovers. If you are ready to have fun then make sure you watch this video.
More Info: IMDb
Hustler Video
Lindsay Lohan Celebrity
July 2009
James DiGiorgio
Nicole Ray, Scarlett Fay, Eden Adams, Dylan Ryan, Sadie Swede, Ron Jeremy, Rocco Reed, Chris Charming, Ralph Long, Jay Lassiter