Join New Sensation and watch "Scooby Doo: A XXX Parody" in HD and all the 8.800+ New Sensation Videos
Buy DVDNew Sensations once again managed to create a high quality parody with cartoons and porn. You will be able to enjoy all of the quality and responsibility of this team of professionals that were able to bring to the world this awesome sexy parody with the perfect twist of Scooby Doo the cartoon and a very sexy twist that is what every person has every wished for. If you would like to enjoy high quality porn and wonderful characteristics that will help you remember the classic Scooby Doo then this is indeed the perfect porn movie for you to take a look at. Although New Sensations is not one of the most famous porn producers, it can certainly pack a punch. The quality of the movie is quite good and as you can see it on the web it has done a very good success throughout the whole web.
New Sensation
Scooby Doo
7 February 2011
Eddie Powell
Bree Olson, Bobbi Starr, Lily Labeau, Michael Vegas, Chad Alva